smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary



I'm feeling really frustrated lately.

I've been having a lot of all over joint pain, and I have had to use some forearm crutches to help me get around.

I've been to the doctor twice now. Once for ankle pain, and then again when all my joints started to hurt.

My blood tests are all "in normal range" according to the nurse. Yet I still hurt. It wasn't so bad today, but now it's getting worse again.

So I've cried a lot. Yesterday was so bad I ended up staying up until 4 in the afternoon, and taking vicodin every 4-5 hours.

I know I'm not making this up - I feel this pain, I have problems doing things sometimes like cutting up food, opening medication bottles, writing, typing, walking, driving, etc.

This sucks.

At least I go back to the doctor in 3 weeks for a follow up. Life's a bitch when you don't have health insurance. ;)
On a brighter note - KV and I got a new apartment about four miles from the school.

although I'm partial again to Shane

6:55 pm - Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005


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