smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Just boring stuff

I've started on HRT that's just estrogen. My problem with this is: the estrogen they have me on now is the same amount of estrogen that is in the Estratest that I didn't really care for before. I have no idea if they just didn't realize that or if it'll even make a difference. I guess we'll see.

I'm finally caught up with all my TAing stuff.

Today I get my car fixed.

Yeah, what a life I lead, I know.

In the mornings when KV and I go to burger king, there is a woman that works the drive through window. She's probably around my age. What a bitch! I've gotten a bad vibe off her since I first drove through and she was working. She's got this look of disdain all the time - that or bitchiness. She also can't even pretend to be courteous. Hell, at least the other people I've encountered reply to me when I tell them to have a nice day and/or tell me good morning when I get to the window. Now this girl. Nope. Nada. It's kind of annoying. I know working in food service, specifically fast food, is no happy happy joy joy experience, but at least people learn how to fake it. If I could do it, anyone can.

In a perfect world, my friend, Dale, would stand up for himself. Instead of letting people pretty much dehumanize him by way of taunting and mean jokes, he would actually tell them how it makes him feel. He'd show them that he's human. Hell, just to have him say "knock it off" would be amazing. Yet, he says nothing, and people go on taunting him and making mean jokes about him to his face. Of course, once they are confronted they usually say that they don't mean anything by it. But still. When Dale is picked on by two people he considers friends, and yet is not picked on by one person who used to pick on him incessantly stops -- I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess it would just be great if he'd stand up for himself. And the whole "let's push his buttons until he does stand up for himself" thing is ridiculous.

The other day I had things that I actually wanted to type in this text box. Now they're out of my head for whatever reason.


4:46 am - Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2005


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