smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Belated Happy Valentine's Day and all that jazz

Last night when I got home and checked my email, I had an e-card from KV. It was a picture of the rings of Saturn and a Ring Nebula that looked like a flower. It was my Valentine's Day card. We are such geeks. I bought her a new back pack, and she got me Napolean Dynamite and an e-card like that. It's great.

I was so ready to go to bed at 8:30pm last night. That didn't happen, and I'm not complaining. It was just unexpected that we did anything. After all, we were both tired, and she had just gotten a David Sedaris book from the U's library. I figured she'd snuggle with me until I fell asleep, and then read. But again, I'm so not complaining.

Karl called me last night to wish me a Happy V-Day, and said his first day in his management position went ok. He was really tired though by the time he got done with work.

Today I need to sit down and figure out the officer's schedule to find out when we can have an officer's meeting for our organization that isn't an hour before the meeting.

Oddness: I never saw Dale yesterday at all (neither did KV). I always see Dale during the week, no matter what day it is even if I end up staying home until class. I hope he's ok and doesn't have the flu from hell.

Yesterday morning, from about 7:30am to 1pm, I caught up on all the reading for my sociology class. All I need to do now is catch up on my religion and the body class's reading. That may be what I do tomorrow (even if the class is tonight).

I thought the roads were dicey last night, but they were nothing compared to yesterday morning's drive to school. We got a lot of wet, heavy snow (good snowman making snow). So the interstate was a slush mess, but I left early enough so it was ok. There were still moments of white knuckling the steering wheel.

Here's what I like -- Valentine's Day was just like any other day for KV and me. We didn't do anything "special." In fact, we ate at the campus, not even trying to make it V-Day-esque in the slightest.

Did I mention that when KV and I talked Sunday night it was agreed, and made very apparent, that she needs to get to the U of M and to their gender counseling services. Her dysphoria is worse than I even imagined. To know that her self-hatred for being T, and having sucidal thoughts because of it, pains me. I can see it in her eyes -- the pain, the self-loathing. Half of me really wishes she would tell her parents, so that they could contribute to the cost of therapy; the other half of me knows this is not a possibility. Hopefully she and I can work something out.


5:40 am - Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005


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