smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary



I'm quite glad that everyone was able to make it to meet last night.

As far as I know, and can tell, we've gotten all the miscommunications aired out. The misunderstandings have been sorted. This is how it seems to me, so I shall now let it all go. It feels much better that way.

I bought Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle last night (the unrated edition), and KV and I laughed our asses off at it. It was well worth the money. Shit, the line "Did Doogie Howser just steal my fucking car?" makes the money worth it. And Christopher Meloni's character of Freakshow --- yeah, it was frickin' classic.

Trying to fall asleep last night resulted in KV and I quoting various Napolean Dynamite, The Big Lebowski, and now Harold and Kumar lines to each other. We're weird like that.

I have slept for a total of 2 hours. I feel like I'm rested, and it makes me think I should work on homework. But I'll go back to bed anyway.


9:24 am - Sunday, Feb. 13, 2005


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