smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


A bit more understanding

Slowly, but surely, the issues between friends is being worked out. Through various emails I am understanding more about what happened.

Thankfully, we're all meeting tonight at 10pm to talk about all this shit. There has most definitely been misunderstandings. I can tell that much from the emails, and the information in them.

KV sent out a very hostile email to everyone that will, if it hasn't already, make a lot of people mad at her. I asked her about it, why she sent it, etc. I realized it was her reaction, snap as it was, to me crying over Robyn's original email, and finding out what has been going on.

It's the same thing that happened when I cried after watching "The Gift" because of Dale. KV reamed out Dale because Dale's actions made me cry.

It totally doesn't excuse KV's email, but it helps me to understand why she felt the need to send it.

When it comes to us -- KV gets very protective of me if I feel attacked in anyway, or if I cry due to someone else's actions. She's like the Mama Bear protecting a cub.

It's funny -- I told her today that she's protecting me while I'm trying to provide for her, so we've got our gender roles all fucked up. Her response, "What did you expect."

My Valentine's day present from KV was Napolean Dynamite on DVD. I filed my claim to get a refund from the amazon seller today. KV's valentine's day present from me will be a new back pack as she has said she needs one.

I called my mom today. Apparently she hasn't gotten sick with all this shit, just like KV. So KV told her "high five through the phone." I jokingly told her "Screw you both!" referring to her and KV.

I can't wait until 10pm roles around. Until then, I shall continue on my quest to do homework.


7:35 pm - Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005


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