smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


This entry brought to you by sleepiness

NyQuil hangover, but it did help some. The rest of my morning will be spent sleeping so I can at least crawl out of bed later today.

KV did my laundry for me last night, which helps a lot.

I need to call my ob/gyn today to get some samples of just estrogen HRT.

I hope KV doesn't get what I have. I hope none of my friends for that matter get it.

I'll more than likely be sleeping this morning some more instead of going to classes to TA. Going to our org's social outing is still up in the air.

Tuesday I called Jacob. I'm 99% sure that things are cool between us. So I will now let it fall off my shoulders. A dialog was also started between Jacob and KV. Jacob gave me the go ahead to tell KV what was bothering him, so KV emailed him.

I made sure to emphasize to Jacob that if I ever do anything that offends him, or rubs him the wrong way at all, to please let me know. After all, how will I know that I did something to any of my friends if they don't tell me?

I really feel like isolating right now, but I won't. Actually, being sick helps that out a little as I need to stay home and sleep. Other than that, I really only feel comfortable right now around 3 of my friends, for various reasons.

I now have NyQuil, DayQuil, some cough syrup expectorant, and 3 boxes of Puffs Plus with Lotion. I am set.

KV rubbed my ears again to get the eustachian tubes draining, and it put me to sleep, so that was great. She's done an excellent job of taking care of me when I've been sick, which I really appreciate (since I can't see my mom).
This weekend, once I'm feeling a lot better, I plan on going to the library, and just doing homework.
I'm a bit ticked at the amazon seller that I bought "Napolean Dynamite" from. It still has not come in the mail, even though they swear they upgraded me to first class shipping. On Feburary 12, I can file a claim with amazon, which I'll do if I still don't have the movie. I was supposed to have it by the end of last week. It's getting to the point where everyday, KV asks me if Napolean came. We both realize that I'll probably just have to go by it from the store, and if I ever get the copy from the seller -- send it back and get a refund. "GOSH!" At least now I know never to buy from that seller again, and I'll leave a rating/feedback to let others know as well.


4:43 am - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005


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