smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


GLBT - stay away from me sentiment on campus

I sat at our organization's informational booth for the org "bash" (every campus org has a booth set up for ppl to browse).

First, when I sat down at the beginning I got some weird looks from the feminist org (they've heard bad stuff from us, that is false).

Second, I noticed that a lot of people would walk past the table/booth, see what we were all about (big sign on the table), and then "arc" their way around so they didn't walk so close to the table. I also noticed that there were people who really looked like they wanted to stop, but for whatever reasons, didn't.

It's very distressing to me. I have read the articles that there is a "backlash" (my wording) on college campuses concerning more students identifying as conservative in response to their liberal environment. I don't know, just because it's called a liberal arts college doesn't mean it's all liberal in ideology. Then again, I have a hard time imagining humanitites profs teaching and being conservative as it seems like you actually need to care about the plight of oppressed people. Ok, so that wasn't fair, but our compassionate conservative president isn't exactly leading a compassionate example.

Weirdness: the new issues of the student literary magazine came out recently. Jacob told me I had to read this one poem in it as the subject of the poem sounded remarkably like me. Without going into too many boring details, I read the poem, and yeah, I'm the subject. There are just too many things that match up for me not to be (including a quote). So I'm trying to get in touch with the author, to ask her why I was the inspiration for it (not to mention that the poem sounded mean in tone anyway). We'll see what happens with that.

Getting back to the "oo they're gay!" thing...
I'm really sick of people who are "ok with the gays" but don't want to be seen near them for fear of association. Yeah, watch out or you'll catch "the gay."

I've noticed with some of the classes that I TA in, I am not really able to connect with the class at all. At least that's the vibe I get (I'm big on vibes because I'm weird like that).

It feels like it was only yesterday that I had my 8am - 9pm day for school. At least I got more than 4 hours of sleep this time, not that 6 hours is much better.

I finally picked up my financial aid check (the remaining portion of it after tuition). Yeah, it's half gone already just from paying bills, but at least my bills are paid.

Off to play Bejeweled 2 and do some homework.


4:06 am - Thursday, Feb. 03, 2005


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