smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Stuff I forgot to add (school)

I'm now TAing 3 classes, and I decided to drop cross-cultural dynamics class. Mainly because I found the syllabus online for this semester, read through it, and it seems incredibly boring. Besides, my other classes are going to kick my butt.

I was looking through the english department's web page, as well as the class descriptions. I noticed that I kept looking at classes dealing with the english language and wanting to take them. They sounded incredibly interesting to me. Then I found out the english dept offers an english major for linguistics.

I am so thrilled by this! I now know I want to drop journalism and double major in religious studies (which I'm currently majoring in) and linguistics. I may end up keeping my anthropology minor. I haven't decided yet.

So now I get to email my journalism advisor (she's also the dept chair) and ask how to drop the journalism major. Then I'll start the process of adding the linguistics major.

The dept chair in the religous studies department talked to me about grad school. He told me to wait a couple years at least, that way I can pay down my debts. He also said that taking the GRE is easier after some time off from college, as long as I keep reading on my subject of choice (religions). I'm also supposed to talk to him about finding out how to go to grad school for free like he did. How awesome is that? I love how I'm a bisexual genderqueer/intergendered person and yet I feel so comfortable in the religious studies department and with all of the profs I've met thus far.

Now I definately have a schedule of classes that I adore (after dropping cross-cultural dynamics), I get to TA for 3 classes for Jerry, and I'm the secretary of our organization. It sounds nuts, and hectic, and I'm sure it will be.

I've only been able to sleep for 3-4 hours at a time (most of the time) since my hysterectomy. I realize now, after reading some stuff, that it's probably due to lack of estrogen. I've emailed a compounding pharmacy that deals with compounding HRT to ask if they can refer me to a doctor in my area, or point me in the right direction to find one. I hope they can help me.

It's time to either nap a couple of hours or watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with KV (she's never seen it). She watched Bad Santa as well (the unrated version) and loved the dark comedy. That relieved me because I was worried she'd hate it, and I wouldn't understand why. Does that make any sense? Either way, it's one more movie we have in common.

She has sparked my interest in literary theory and criticism as well. I'm really looking forward to learning some more. I've sparked her interest in different religions, theories about their beginnings, etc.


I think internetbumperstickers had to add a disclaimer to the sticky site of the moment page because of my journal. I swear it wasn't there when I submitted my journal for it. I could be wrong though. Either way, it makes me happy to think it was me.

11:40 pm - Saturday, Jan. 29, 2005


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