smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Prozac free, someone help me!

Tonight KV was just ... bah.

I respect her right to go off her prozac, but that doesn't mean I have to agree that it was the right choice.

Anyway, talk about a moody one! Tonight I swear to gawd she was mad at me because I needed to leave Karl and Ryan's earlier than she, or I, wanted to. I can't help it, I was in a lot of pain. I didn't feel like being around Katie "crying girl" for any more time, etc. And I was getting sick of watching people play x-box.

Irritation: Karl and Ryan didn't show up back at their place until almost 7pm. Thankfully, Gary was going to come over anyway and he has a key. Gary let us in after we called him. And we even had him double check that Karl said 6pm in his email.

Needless to say, Dale and I went over a lot of stuff before Karl was even there. And when he was there, it was just Dale, him, and me working on stuff. KV was playing X-Men on Xbox with Gary even before Karl got there. It was slightly annoying.

On the ride home KV said something under her breath after we were talking about shaving. She mentioned that shaving your legs in the winter is actually good for them. I said I didn't like shaving them, but oh well. I heard her mumble something and then say "head." So I asked what she said. She replied rather tersely, "Then don't." Cripes.

When she woke up today, she was in a bitchy mood. Wow do I miss the prozac!

She's been writing a lot more, so that's cool.

I know I sound selfish, but jebus, I am sick of mood swings. I've had enough of my own after surgery to last me awhile.

I've noticed that the estratest seems to be working well. So far (knock on wood) I haven't been suffering the side effects: increased acne and facial hair. I have, however, noticed I am a wee bit more agressive. Now, I'm not sure if that was because I was in a bad mood earlier tonight or not, but I noticed I was definitely on edge. Again, not sure if it was the hormones or what.

I've got to watch that though, and make sure I'm careful not to lash out at anyone that doesn't deserve it.

Guess who overslept her orthodontist appt? Yeah, fun fun fun. I was just miserably tired today.

Friday morning (technically today), I am meeting with Jerry to discuss training TAs. He's only got 3 people (including me) to TA for him, and 4 classes. I told him if nothing else, I will TA another class.

Monday afternoon, I am meeting with one of the people that Jerry has interviewed already, so that I can interview him. Hopefully he'll be "up to snuff."

I'll also be getting my text books later today after talking with Jerry. He's also going to take KV and I out to lunch, his treat. That'll be nice.

I miss my friends! I want to see everyone tomorrow night, but if the snow storm hits like it is supposed to, I may not be able to drive.
Did I mention I was tempted to just leave KV at Karl and Ryan's? Yeah, then she could play xbox, etc all she wanted and be away from me for a bit. Plus I could get some alone time.

I think we both have adjusted our internal clocks in such a way that we're not really awake at the same time for an extended period. At least, that was what I was doing.

It would really help if we could get KV's computer in my apartment. That way I could be on mine whenever the hell I felt like it, and wouldn't feel bad for hogging it.

12:01 am - Friday, Jan. 21, 2005


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