smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


It all makes sense now!

Awhile ago I noticed a car in the parking lot that I had never seen before. It had a Bush/Cheney 04 sticker on the bumper.

Due to my ability to observe stupid shit, I have concluded that it is my upstairs neighbor.

1. How funny (in an oh fuck way) is it that a republican lives above me?

2. My observation that girls who live above me are fucking loud stands correct.

3. I really want to leave a note on her door that says "I know you're a republican, but that doesn't mean you have to actually impersonate an elephant when you're in your apartment." How do you think that would go over?

If she thinks this will continue, she is so wrong. Once spring semester starts up for me, KV and I will be walking up early to get to classes in the early AM, and to get a parking spot at the university. Yes, the same university that claims there is no parking problem. Yet, if you want to get a spot, your best bet is to get there by 7am. Hell, even in the evenings you can end up driving around aimlessly waiting for someone to leave.

While I'm on the subject of waiting for someone to leave, I've noticed something. When I am waiting for someone to get their car out of their parking space, they take for-fucking-ever to get in the car, start it up, and back out. How difficult is this? How time consuming is this? Don't check yourself in the rear view mirror. Don't start making a call on your cellphone. Jebus! Just get the fuck out of the parking spot! I've had to wait almost 5 minutes for someone to back out once. Yeah.

Don't worry, when I am the one leaving so someone can take my spot, I actually jump in my car and get the hell out of there because I know how annoying it is to wait, and wait, and wait...

Some peoples kids... urgh.

7:53 am - Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2005


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