smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Updates of various kinds

I ended up sleeping for 12 hours - what a nap! KV called it my narcotic coma (clonazepam and vicodin). So I missed Mixed Fruit, which bums me out.

I've had to take my clonazepam because even though I'm taking my all my meds regularly, I still end up getting this aweful panic/panic attacks since Sunday. I know part of it is school and the other part is because I keep getting bad pain in my joints and I don't know what's causing it.

I ended up needing to get an Rx for vicodin today since I could barely walk. Thursday and Friday I ended up needing to use my crutches to get around the apartment.

KV and I had a heart-to-heart finally.

Interesting thing - KV was just happened to be reading about vitamins. She stumbled on Vitamin D and what happens when someone has a D deficiency. Guess what? It can cause rhematoid arthritis and/or joint pain. So we laughed that maybe that is the only thing wrong with me. We agreed I'm not going to start dosing myself with extra vitamin D until after I talk to the rheumatologist on Friday. I'll also be tested for lupus, since it runs in the family. Hopefully after this appointment, and blood tests (and whatever other tests), I'll have some answers!

Uncle Davie has been staying with KV and I since Tuesday. It's been nice. I think it is helping him, too. He won't be so lonely at his own place. Plus, my apartment building is disabled accessible (he broke his ankle so bad they had to do surgery asap and put screws in it).

He possibly gets his walking cast on Friday. I don't care if he stays with me that long, neither does KV. That way we can go together to our appts (since they're at the same clinic), and he said he'd wait around until my appt is done until we go come back here.

He's been helping with food and stuff, too. He paid for supper on Tuesday night. Gave me a $20 bill for pop, etc.

When KV was making bread today, she cut her finger on a food processor blade. I told her she should go to urgent care at Marshfield clinic (they have a patient assisstance program) to get stitches. In her town, urgent care is in a hospital and is like an ER visit. Later today I explained to her that it's not like that over here. After the bleeding finally stopped, she realized she probably should've listened to me and gotten stitches (it's a deeper cut than she thought).


6:29 am - Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005


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