smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


First day back

I woke up at 3am. I don't need to be awake until 4:30am at the latest, so I can putz around on my computer, become alert at my own pace, and enjoy some quiet time preparing for my day. I am going to be dragging ass.

Today I start TAing for Basic Issues in Religion. I'm really excited about it. I honestly do enjoy interacting with the students, and helping Jerry out. It's a lot like I'm also a teacher, without all the teaching. If that makes any sense.

After that I get to go to Religious Themes in Literature. I'm looking forward to that class as well.

I actually have a schedule that I'm looking forward to.

My sociology of women class yesterday was awesome. I can tell it will be hard work, but the content is so great. It's more of a gender studies class, which I'm so happy about. I am really getting into looking at gender, etc. Plus, the prof is really cool.

I talked to Jacob yesterday (it was so good to see him) about the women in politics class I dropped based on professor ratings. He confirmed that it was a good choice (he's a PoliSci major).

I am so tempted to drop Journalism completely. I know I've stated this before, but for some reason I feel as though I need to justify it in my own mind. I think this only because it will be difficult to find a job relating to my major (religious studies) without going to grad school. I do sort of want to retake news reporting and writing, get through that, and then see if the other core classes are just as awful. I have an instinctual feeling that they aren't.

Regarding me dragging ass, at least I can shut my brain off at 12:30pm, and not turn it on again until 5pm.

Annoyance: KV acts completely different around me when we're at school and around people than she does at home. I realize she wants to keep our private life together seperate, but it still is slightly annoying to me.

Yesterday I was trying to read (I'm almost done with One Hundred Years of Solitude), and the DRC was filled with people. Not just any people, but some of the most annoying, loud, obnoxious people I have ever been privy to be around. Yeah, it was great.

I'm very wary of our organization's publicity person this semester. She's an awesome person, and a friend, yet she's admitted to KV that she has no experience with computer graphic design at all. She also seemed like she really didn't want the position all that bad after she was elected anyway. I think I may email her and tell her that if she doesn't want the position it's no big deal. I'd honestly rather have Robyn do it again anyway. She did such a kick ass job last semester, and she can do shit with MSPaint that I didn't think was possible. Plus, if she downloads Gimp and get's familiar with that -- WATCH OUT! That's all I'm sayin'. Besides, it would be rad to have my best friend on the exec board with me anyway.

Today should go by fairly quick -- I go straight through from 8am to 12:15pm, all with profs that I enjoy. Besides, 2 blocks of time are spent TAing.

My upstairs neighbor, whether she knows it or not, is on a personal mission to annoy the ever living piss out of me. Seriously. If I get that Sallie Mae loan, I'm tempted to get out of my lease early just to move away from this girl. Last night, as if her elephant-esque movements weren't enough, she was playing whatever music it is that she listens to at a volume just high enough that all I could discern was the bass coming down into my apartment. I told KV I'm tempted to just ring her doorbell at 4am and ask her if she was sleeping, and explain that when she's frickin' loud like that, I'm trying to sleep.

There are just common courtesies you follow when you live in an apartment building. From living in dorms, I know for a fact there is a way to listen to your music at an enjoyable volume without annoying the piss out of those around you trying to study, sleep, etc. This girl obviously forgets that she lives above someone else in an apartment building. Besides, there are better times to put your music on high volume than at 9:30pm. Wow, do I sound old!

I think my main thing with this is that when I moved into these apartments, I was told that it was a quieter area, and it was expected to stay that way. If you wanted to be out of your way loud, etc, then you should not move into these apartments. After living in the dorms, I was so ecstatic to find a place like this. Now it seems like people are getting louder. I'm one of those old people now who bitch that the place isn't what it used to be, and now they are letting all the riff raff in, etc. hahaha I never thought that day would be so soon in my life.

KV and I found a shirt for $5 that we're giving to Hunter (my nephew) -- it says "I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?!" It is so fitting! That kid is just as crabby as his mom and grandma when it comes to waking up in the morning. It's so cute as long as I don't have to deal with it.

I also bought KV some "yoga" pants last night -- they are this light blue that's just cute. They look absolutely fantastic on her.

I never did get around to doing laundry. I was too wiped out from transforming myself into a morning person again. It's amazing that I can do that, considering during break, there were so many nights/days that I wouldn't sleep until the sun was up. Hell, about the time I wake up now for school is about the time I would go to bed during break.

Off I go to play WordMojo at yahoo.


3:26 am - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2005


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