smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Sleeping weirdness and other stuff

I am officially an odd sleeper.

When I was living with Rick, he claimed that I had punched him in the mouth twice once night while I was sleeping. I don't buy this as his lip wasn't swelled up or anything, and I would like to believe that it would have been if I had really punched him.

KV told me the other night I reached over and pinched her butt. When she looked at me to see what the hell that was for, I had a smile on my face -- but, I was fast asleep.

Apparently my subconcious tells me who it is I really like.


I have noticed this about upstairs neighbors that I've dealt with:
If it is a single guy living above me -- he is quieter when walking around.

If it is a single girl living above me, she stomps around like a flippin elephant.

I would think it would be the other way around because women are generally more lithe when they walk, etc. I know I'd like to think that I am.

I've only had one couple live above me, and they were extremely quiet except when they would use the smoke alarm as a "dinner is done!" timer.
Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut is a really good book. I must say, I liked it slightly better than Breakfast of Champions.
According to my health insurance company, I will owe less than $300 for a $45xx.xx surgery. This pleases me to no end! I thought I'd end up owing at least $45x.xx. Maybe I still will, but I'll wait until I get the offical paperwork on it to see. All I know is that their website listing my medical claims listed that I only had to pay $2xx.xx.

KV is awake.

11:41 pm - Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005


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