smokingrrl's Diaryland Diary


Books version 2, and misc.

Top Books That I Have Read Thus Far (an edited list):

The Slaughter House Five

To Kill a Mockingbird


A Peoples History of the United States: 1492 - Present


Of Mice and Men

The Manchurian Candidate

Any of the books that Henry Rollins has written. There is no better way to get into his head than those books, and to really feel what he has gone through.


I feel as though I should be gushing about KV right now. Yet, I will spare everyone. All I can say is that I am happy and so very much in love.


I really want to just major in religious studies, and then minor in journalism. I would eventually go to grad school (probably in CA) to get my masters and then ph.d. I would adore being a prof of religious studies. That's how much I love the subject, and getting a glimpse of it through being a TA (which I adore!).

My instinct is very close to getting through and telling me to just minor in journalism, now that I know that it is more of a secondary passion of mine.


Tomorrow -- I get my braces adjusted. Fun! I may have to postpone the appt though. I think I may be too damn tired to go through that pain right now.


7:56 pm - Sunday, Jan. 09, 2005


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